2012 Vp113

This page shows Asteroid 2012 VP113 location and other relevant astronomical data in real time. The celestial coordinates, magnitude, distances and speed are updated in real time and are computed using high quality data sets provided by the JPL Horizons ephemeris service (see acknowledgements for details). The sky map shown below represents a rectangular portion of the sky 60x40 arcminutes wide. By comparison the diameter of the full Moon is about 30 arcmins, so the full horizontal extent of the map is approximately 2 full Moons wide. Depending on the device you are using, the map can be dragged horizondally or vertically using the mouse or touchscreen. The deep sky image in the background is provided by the Digitized Sky Survey (acknowledgements).

2012 Vp113

2012 VP113’s 4,000-year orbit never brings it anywhere near the Sun—at its closest it’s 12 billion miles away, more than three times the average distance between the Sun and Pluto. It’s way out there, as this animation from Clark Planetarium shows. 2012 VP113 live position and data. This page shows Asteroid 2012 VP113 location and other relevant astronomical data in real time. The celestial coordinates, magnitude, distances and speed are updated in real time and are computed using high quality data sets provided by the JPL Horizons ephemeris service (see acknowledgements for details).

Current close conjunctions

List of bright objects (stars brighter than magnitude 9.0 and galaxies brighter than magmitude 14.0) close to Asteroid 2012 VP113 (less than 1.5 degrees):

StarHIP 17277003h 41m 59s+03° 23’ 36”
StarHIP 171556.469203h 40m 28s+05° 07’ 33”
StarHIP 166988.208403h 34m 53s+03° 21’ 37”
StarHIP 169257.189803h 37m 49s+04° 08’ 43”
StarHIP 170037.81303h 38m 42s+02° 43’ 40”
StarHIP 169307.724803h 37m 52s+05° 38’ 28”
StarHIP 166517.388803h 34m 13s+03° 25’ 56”
StarHIP 171035.463803h 39m 51s+03° 03’ 24”
StarHIP 168458.746203h 36m 47s+04° 28’ 27”
StarHIP 172068.363203h 41m 09s+04° 11’ 08”
StarHIP 170187.212803h 38m 55s+02° 45’ 48”
StarHIP 173538.397203h 42m 51s+04° 07’ 20”

Additional resources

Additional Resources about Asteroid 2012 VP113

Astronomy databases

This online sky chart is created using the following astronomy databases and services:

  1. The Digitized Sky Survey, a photographic survey of the whole sky created using images from different telescopes, including the Oschin Schmidt Telescope on Palomar Mountain
  2. The Hipparcos Star Catalogue, containing more than 100.000 bright stars
  3. The PGC 2003 Catalogue, containing information about 1 million galaxies
  4. The GSC 2.3 Catalogue, containing information about more than 2 billion stars and galaxies
2012 vp113 Please see the acknowledgements section.

People follow different paths to the truth about Planet X, with an enduring hope that one day, our government will finally disclose what it knows.

Like UFOlogy, the hope is that if you create a pile of pictures high enough, perhaps at some point the truth will reach critical mass and voila-disclosure. Unfortunaetly, just like Marxism, it's one of those inspiring fantasy goals that can never be achieved.

This is why Planet X investigator, Bob Fletcher, producer of the IN-COMMING DVDs, has come at this from an entirely different directions. Bob followed the money and found that more was spent on preparation for Planet X than anyone could imagine. GO

This program presents an overview of the Planet X system, how it moves through our solar system and why we always seem to observe it near the Sun and not behind us, plus recent observations of three planets in the Planet X system captured by ocean buoys located in the Gulf of Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

Detailed explanations of the first three Planet X events projected for the tribulation time line are presented: covert visitations, deep impact, and the perihelion alignment of the Planet X system as it will be seen from Earth. These projections by the Guides appear in the book, Being In It for the Species The Universe Speaks.

2012 Vp113 Wikipedia

Planet X / Nibiru| Earth|Extraterrestrial| Humanity| Nostradamus| SciTech|Space| War

Planeta Enano 2012 Vp113

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